Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What does RaINboW editing look like....

So I have had several questions about how I use this in my classroom.  So here goes my attempt to explain it clearly....  As I teach each editing skill we color in the circle on our rainbow editing checklist.  You can see from the picture that we have just finished learning about capital letters.  Of course I talk about punctuation, but I have not officially made them responsible for it yet in their writing.  The students use this checklist as they edit their own writing and occasionally others.  I have a drawer full of crayons they can use, (so I don't have to hear them get out their pencil boxes, and because they can write most anywhere in the room). 

This is what it looks like when the students are done editing their writing.  I teach it very explicitly and I MODEL, MODEL, MODEL....

Each time they are done with a story, they edit it. This is one of my struggling students who wrote this.  I think it is so rewarding when they reread their story and edit it on their own.  I did not help her do this at all...
I love finding something that works, and this is what is making my writing AWESOME this year...


Chrissy said...

Thanks for sharing this. My school uses Write From the Beginning. So you have a specific writing program for your school? I need to look at this and see if I can work it in. I love the idea and think it would help my kiddos so much.
 Chrissy

First Grade Found Me

Jennifer K. said...

I love this! Is this from a specific program? Our school does not have an actual writing program, so I am always looking for good ideas! Can you point me in the direction of where to get the Rainbow Editing files? Thanks! I am a new follower, come see me too!

Jennifer @ Herding Kats In Kindergarten

Unknown said...

Hi Jennifer! I just wanted to say thanks for following! I am heading over to follow you now. :) Camille will have to respond to the part of your comment concerning the rainbow editing, but I just wanted to welcome you!

Camille said...

Hi Jennifer! Thanks for following! Rainbow editing was introduced to me by Becca, she got the idea from Utah Core Academy. You can get our anchor charts on our blog. Just click on printables:). Thanks for stopping by.

Barbara L said...
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Barbara L said...

Let me try again :)

I LOVE that idea. Thank you!

Grade ONEderful

Lori said...

Thanks for sharing this! I'm your newest follower. :)
Conversations in Literacy

Tabitha said...

Thanks for sharing! I saw this a couple days ago and then couldn't find it again. I've spent hours looking for it and I can't wait to share it with my writers!

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