Showing posts with label maps. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maps. Show all posts

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Global Perspective

A few months ago I was getting ready to teach my map unit when I "happened" across this pin on pinterest. I couldn't get back to the original site, grrrr, so I decided to make my own. If you happen to know who DID come up with this please let me know so I can put credit where it is due!

This is what I came up with:
Me on the Map

To get the pictures I simply searched for our state, county, or city in google images. To get where our school was I found a street map of our city and moved around until I found our school on the map. Those of you in Iron County are in luck, all you will have to do is find your school on a map when you print this.

I just got thinking it might be better to have the kids write the labels for each of the pictures. I used to be wary of having the kids write anything, but the more I let them do the writing I have found the more they take ownership in their learning. I hope I remember my own advice for next year. ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012


I used legos for bricks, toothpicks for sticks, and raffia for straw.

Here's the finished product!
We made "Keys" to show the important places in our replica. Then we made maps and lined up the compass roses to verify that our maps were a true replica. The students learned that if you don't line up the compass rose, the map isn't the same for everyone.
I also read The True Story of the Three Little Pigs to compare to the original. You can get those copies here:
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