Showing posts with label home reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home reading. Show all posts

Friday, December 2, 2011

GIngerbread Story Starter

We have spent all week enjoying gingerbread stories. They loved all of them! We did this as a little followup activity. They came up with some cute ideas.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Millions of Minutes

Our reading specialist this year has challenged our school to read 2,000,000 minutes. I was supposed to come up with a way to track how many minutes my class and I have read. Honestly, this fall was WAY crazier than it should have been. I just saw this posted at The Teacher Wife. It has got me thinking. I will keep you posted on what I come up with. SHHHHH! Don't tell my team members, they just might come up with something before I do!

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