I happened upon them the spring of my first year teaching. I was looking for some thank you gifts for helping moms, and thought these would be pretty cute. How could I resist? They were helping me (not to mention their children) off to the "write start" in my career as an educator (the children as students).
I don't see them every year, but they were hanging there calling my name. I bought every box.
I normally make a cute tag and write a thank you note, but at the rate I am going this year I will be lucky to just get the note written. If I happen to get one made I will share it (cross your fingers), I can't promise it will be as cute as some of the other tags that are out there. Maybe someone will take pity on me and create one, then share it with me! (Hint, Hint!)
For the moment I am feeling lucky to somewhat know what I am doing tomorrow, AND I know what my sub is going to do on Wednesday while my husband and I sit in a couple of doctor's offices. That is doing good at the Esplin household these days. Maybe I can use the time to plan what is going to happen on Thursday!