Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Valentine's Day Freebie and Gift Ideas.

Hi everyone. I hope you are having a great week. Are you gearing up for Valentine's Day? I still need to get valentine's ready for my class, but I already have what I need. I decided to give them something besides candy this year. Here is what I am doing instead . . .

I think they will enjoy these special pencils and pens because they are different from what they are used to having.

I am going to wrap in these cute bags. . .

Also, here is a little freebie!

Click here to download and print.

Have a good Wednesday. :)


Barbara L said...

I used to buy those multi-coloured pens all the times ... haven't seen them in years! Love your little gifts, Lory.
Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Unknown said...

yes, I remember as a kid, we always wanted a pen like that!

Sarah said...

I love those pens! THey are hard to find these days..lol


Pennie said...

Your cards are cute. Love the owls.

Jill said...

Love the owl cards. Thanks! -Jill

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