Saturday, September 22, 2012

Darling Cloud Book with Printable

Thanks to Camille for the cute cloud stuff she posted this week! In keeping with this theme I wanted to tell you about a DARLING book that my awesome student teacher found . . .

We had not heard of this book before! It follows the adventures of a little cloud named "Cloudette" who is "smaller then the average cloud". The message of the story is one of determination and perseverance. The illustrations are charming!

A little freebie to go with it . . .

Click here to download and print


Rachel Seymour said...

LOVE your cloud activities! So cute! :)


Cupcake said...

I love this little book! I bought it through Scholastic last spring :)
A Cupcake for the Teacher

Barbara L said...

I love this book too and also read it last spring. It's going to be one of my favorites!

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers

dettemc said... name is "Claudette" so I have a special connection to this little "Cloudette" book! I teach about personal connections "self-to-text" and cloud cycles with this book! It is very special to me and my firsties.

Eman sherkawy said...

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