Thursday, July 26, 2012

Classroom Finds, Brochure, Shout Out to Jennifer

Hi everyone! I think I mentioned earlier in the week that I have been madly working in my classroom because we will be on family vacation and won't get back until a few days before we report back to work. A little stressed . . .
I have been making good progress on being ready though. I think being ready for the school year is kindof like housework . . .never really finished! There is always something else that could be done . . .

I have been gathering new things for the classroom. Here are some pics . . .
Book Boxes from Oriental Trading

5 Up Organizer from Really Good Stuff 
Making Words Cards and Envelopes from Really Good Stuff

Calendar from Really Good Stuff

I also finished my binder and plan book, but I have to post a picture tomorrow when my camera is charged (hence the screen shots above instead of pics from me.)

I also want to thank Jennifer from First Grade Blue Skies for the idea of making a class brochure. When I saw hers, I thought it was such a great and cute thing to do.  Here is what I decided to do with mine . . .

I hope you have a wonderful evening! BTW, Is anyone else having trouble getting on Pinterest tonight?


Unknown said...

What a cute brochure! I love that idea. It looks SO much better than the HUGE packet that I put together that I always think if overwhelming and never read by my parents. Thanks for sharing...and yes - pinterest is not working and it's driving me bananas!

Kinder Kraziness

Unknown said...

It's making me crazy too! I hope they get it working soon.

Kourtney Payton said...

We don't start back for another 3 weeks...and between teaching blogs and pinterest...I'm dying to go back to work! I too gathered up the book boxes this summer (finally!) Target had them for 3.00 a piece but I had to make 7 trips to Target to get all the colors finally! Oh well, I am happy to have them now! I love the brochure idea, I will have to think about doing this too. Good luck getting the room together!

Barbara L said...

I like that organizing shelf!
Pinterest is working for me.

Grade ONEderful
Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

Unknown said...

Your brochure looks awesome!! Thanks for the shout out, girlie!! =)
First Grade Blue Skies

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