Thursday, June 7, 2012

Do You LOVE To READ!!!

Yes, I know that I have been neglecting my blogger duties (sorry Lory)!  I have to say that it is so nice to be out of school and be able to do some much needed bonding with my two kiddos.  We have been to the park almost everyday since school has ended.  Which brings me to my favorite thing to do in the summer other than hang with the fam....  READING!!!!  I have been devouring book after book, while at the park.  I know I am horrible, I take them to the park, so I can read...

I just had to blog about the new series I am reading.  The best ones I have read in a long time.  If you like Twilight or the Immortal Instruments, then you have to check them out.  They are by an upcoming author, named Amy Bartol.  She is amazing, and her characters you will fall in love with.  There are three books so far in the series, I am half way through the second book and I can't put it down.  I won't tell you the plot, because I don't want to spoil anything for you... Another amazing part about these books, they are cheap!!!!!  Can we say $2.99.

P.S. I am a big believer in reading reviews, but I just saw this book had five stars and decided I would go for it.  Some reviews have spoilers about the plot... and I know you will be much happier if you just dive in, and don't spoil your surprise.  I also have other great books I have been reading if any of you are interested.  Most of them are by INDIE authors.  HAPPY READING!!!


Cookin' Up In First said...

Hey Camille! This is your sister-in-law Angie! I am so excited to have time to be on your blog! I am also excited to check out these books you are talking about. I have been wodering what to read. I just started a blog and TPT store. I hope you can check them out :) I can't wait to check back and look for new ideas on your blog.


Barbara L said...

Thanks for the book link. It looks good!

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