Monday, March 5, 2012

Animal Fun

Hey everyone! Is anyone else watching The Voice? Hope it was a good Monday for you. We had beautiful weather today, sunny and 61 degrees, really gives us hope for SpRiNg! We are learning about animals right now. We made a super fun display in the hall for Parent Conference Week using Deanna Jumps' animal unit. I will post pictures of that soon. In the meantime, here is a little freebie!

Click here to download


Sheree Peterson said...

Thanks for the freebie, love it.
I just gave you a 'lovely' award. Come on over to my blog and check it out.

Unknown said...

Congrats on your award from the girls at First Grade ABCs!! They also shared the award with me:) I wanted to check out your blog and I think it's great:) Im your newest follower:) I hope you'll stop by my blog sometime:)

Deb said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! Thank you!!!

Oh My Little Classity Class

Barbara L said...

How cute are those? Thanks for sharing :)

Grade ONEderful

Mrs. L said...

I know I am late to the party, but I also wanted to share an award with you. :) I love reading your blog. Thank you!
Life with Mrs. L

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