Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yes I Am Still HeRe! Classroom Decor/Storage.

Gosh it has been so long since I posted . . .I have suffering a bad case of the "tireds" and the "blahs".  Have you ever experienced this? Low energy, lack of sleep, blah, blah, blah . . .I'm sure you know the story. 

Anyway, I am trying to pull out of it and get back with my routine! I am starting this by actually posting something!

I have 26 students this year and they are a super cute class. How is your year going?

I took some photos of the classroom and I want to share them with you today!

Our Math Journal

Our Writing Journal

Our Desk Totes

Extra Crayons

Our Daily Work Binder

Our Writing Folders

Rules Display

Scoreboards for Whole Brain Teaching

Writers Workshop/Word Work Storage

Math Board

Schedule and Rules

Reading Nook for Daily Leader and Helper

Have a great week and I will try to get with the program! :)


Mrs. Anderson said...

Your room looks great! I like the way you organized your extra crayons. The team posters look great & I love the ladybug chairs as well.
Connie Anderson:)
Welcome To First Grade Room 5

Mrs. Spring said...

Soooooo Cute!

Barbara L said...

Your rug and ladybug chairs are gorgeous !

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