Isn't the beginning of the year just awesome? New crayons, pencils, and notebooks all where they are supposed to be. Everything is neat and organized, including your office! You just know it is going to be a great year.
Not my classroom, (I'm not that organized) I found the picture here. |
Then the children arrive and take over. Crayons are misplaced (How does that happen? I give them a box to put them in!), pencils migrate to weird nooks and crannies, and the notebooks are never where they are supposed to be. Your office looks like a hurricane came through and the disaster clean up crew has yet to be called. What happened?
The thing that has been driving me crazy the most this year is this:
How does this happen? I don't remember it ever being this bad before. This class did start with a student teacher who struggled, but I had them by myself for a long time before my latest round of absences (another round of dr visits AND tonsilitis just this past week). I'm not sure, maybe the kids are sitting at their desks more than they have in the past because of our new technology. I am trying to do a better job of monitoring student engagement, I think it is helping.
What do you do to keep this from happening? Someone told me that a teacher (in our district I think) tells the kids at the beginning of the year that if they have a name tag that looks new at the end of the year they will get a full size candy bar. I don't normally bribe the kids with candy, but with about 30 students next year that could get to be a bit cost prohibitive. Then what do you do for the student who moves in during February? Only give them half a candy bar? I can see some problems.
I could use some help. I have thought about purchasing the heavier nametags, cost has always deterred me - it isn't going to help me be a better teacher, and I noticed that some of the corners of Chari's heavier name tags were curled up as well. The vinyl ones I have been getting clean up really well at the end of the year, but obviously they aren't lasting the school year.