
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Need Help! Please Advise . . .

Greetings everyone! I need advice today . . .I have been using the plastic binder/book holders to use as my students individual browsing boxes for years. However, we will have several more students in our classes this year and I am in the position of having to order more to have enough for everyone. With this in mind, I wanted to know what do you use, plastic tub, bag, basket, etc. and why you like it . . .so that I can make a decision about whether to order more of what I have or whether there is a great idea out there that I don't know about and haven't tried. I need to decide in the next couple of days. Please give me your ideas/input . . .

Thanks a bunch!


  1. I used ziploc slider bags last year. They worked well for the first few weeks, but the slider quickly disappeared. The bags were replaced about every nine weeks. I am open to new ideas too! I have been considering plastic boxes, but the initial investment seems expensive, though, I'm thinking worth it (maybe?). Interested to see what others have to say too!

  2. I try to keep it simple, cheap, and easy. I use ziplock bags, the freezer kind. They hold just enough "just right" books, you can store them anywhere, and when they start to look gross, you get a new one.
    Good luck deciding!

  3. Last year I used the ikea Cardboard magazine boxes (an amazing price 5/two bucks) they lasted all year but they looked quite grimey by them. This year I was gifted plastic boxes from a teacher friend and I know those will hold up better :)

  4. I'm going to try the Glad containers that you use to store leftovers. They are cheap and come in different sizes. During the holidays, you can also find them in different colors. They also stack nicely, if you want to stack them.

  5. I use book bags from Really Good Stuff. I know they cost more but they last sometimes 2-3 years. Each year I buy about a dozen to replace the ragged ones. My kiddos keep them in their desks and read out of them anytime they are finished with other work as well as during reading time.

  6. I also use the bags from Really Good Stuff. They are called "clearview book pouches." It was a bit pricey at first, but I've had the same set for 5 years and they still look really good! I just take them home and toss them in washing machine each summer and the clean right up. I also like that they can be kept in the students' desks and are extremely portable.

  7. I saw this idea. Don't know if it will help.

  8. I use Ziploc freezer bags, and have done so for most of my 16 year career. I ask for donations of the bags from parents as part of my "wish list," and usually don't have to purchase any myself. I have had kids make it the WHOLE YEAR on one bag, but others need 3, 4, 5... If a seam rips I repair if with packing tape; the next time I replace the bag. I like the bags because they are inexpensive, parents will usually donate, I can write name/put stickers and labels on them, the kids can carry them easily (including to another classroom if needed), and they store well in desks, cubbies, tote trays, plastic magazine-style bins, or where ever.

    Just curious... I am in the county to the south of you, Lory, and I'm wondering what's pushing your class sizes up so dramatically? Budget? You guys haven't had explosive growth, nor have we, though we are seeing the population slowly come back up. I think I did hear that your district's insurance costs went WAY up, which is going to affect your budget. Anyway, just wondering.

  9. I will have 33 first graders next year so I like the idea of the book pouches to keep in desk. Otherwise I don't have enough shelf space:(
