
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Link Up

Good Morning! It is 4:57 a.m. (on summer vacation, no less) and I am up on the computer because of a sinus headache! Blah! I am linking up with MJ of Teaching in Heels for

Honestly, while I am writing this with a stuffy nose and aching head I at this early hour (when I just went to sleep about 1 am to begin with) I have no idea if today is Tuesday or yesterday was Tuesday and it requires more thinking than I can do, but the linky party is still open so here I am!

MJ just listed her first item at TpT, which is so exciting. I have to say I love TpT! So many wonderful things all in one place. I don't think I ever visit without buying at least 1 thing. My hubby has made more than one late night trip to Walmart to buy ink for the printer so that I could print out my purchase. :) He is a patient man . . .

I have started my own TpT also, although most of my items  are free. Come on over!


  1. Hope you feel better soon! I love TPT, too. I'll have to go check out what you have.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations on opening your store. I hope you feel better soon.
    Life with Mrs. L

  4. Thanks for linking up!! Hope you feel better soon...

    Next Week's Teacher Tuesday Topic - Classroom Themes

  5. I had a sinus headache last night as well. We must spend waaaaay too much time together! It looks like you have been busy. I need to gear up and share what I have been up to lately.

  6. Thanks so much for the well wishes everyone. :)
    I think we have slot of sinus problems here because the wind blows a lot, A LOT!
