
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Nope, haven't posted for a while.  It seems that November and part of December have past me by....  I have been meaning to post this, but haven't had the chance.  I don't know how Lori and Becca do it.

Anyway, this goes with Becca's anchor chart she posted a while ago.  She also made this amazing activity to go along with it (she forgot to take pictures).  We posted these around the room on clipboards.  Then we broke the students into groups of two and assigned them a spot to go to.  Each student was responsible to look at the picture and decide if "an" or "a"went before it.  Then they would write the word on the paper.  I set the timer for 30 seconds, when the timer went of all the students moved to the next paper and repeated the activity.  This was just a quick way we could assess if students had mastered this skill.

We do a lot of GALLERY WALKS, so it you have not done one in your class, make sure you model the behavior you are looking for, or else it will be crazy.  I like it, because it gets them out of their seats and discussing the concept, PLUS they love it....:)    

Becca will be posting a link so you can download this activity.... so watch for it.....

1 comment:

  1. HI I have named you to receive the Leibster blogging award. Hop on over to read all about it.
