
Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Free "Welcome" Banner Printable

Tomorrow is our BiG dAy! The first day of school. :) When do you start back? It has been a whirlwind the last week or so, and I am not ashamed to say I'm tired and going to bed! Yes, at 7:13 in the evening. Pretty ridiculous, I know . . .anyway in honor of our special day tomorrow here is a little freebie . . .each letter prints out on an 8.5 X 11 piece of paper.

Click here to download and print.

Have a great evening!


  1. That's very cute, Lory, and exactly what I'm looking for! Thanks.
    Grade ONEderful
    Ruby Slippers Blog Designs

  2. Love the banner and the polka dots. Thank you.

  3. Hmmm….you’ve got me thinking. Are you sure that freelancing is a worthwhile job? Simply put…is it even a `real job’? Your blog is sure to convince even the hardest of skeptics. Maybe it’s time to take a break. There is too much stress around me and I am grateful to you for showing me the way out. Freelancer – it does sound good on my tongue. And you are also telling me that I can make more money from home? I did check on sites like,freelance technical writing, which are top-listed heavenly places for the freelancing crowd. They are quite genuine. Finally, I have come to a decision. It is time to move on…as a freelancer!
